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MagicalRecord date parsing

iOS NSDate Comparison works differently when the 24-Hour Time in date settings toggles between ON and OFF?

Using setDoesRelativeDateFormatting: YES and setDateFormat: with NSDateFormatter

Convert NSDate to String with a specific timezone in SWIFT

Adding 30 seconds to NSDate [duplicate]

Swift Calendar Date By Setting Hour To 0 Changes Day

swift nsdate

JSON date to NSDate and back

objective-c json nsdate

NSDate, NSCalendar and NSDateComponents timing

Ordinal weekday index from NSDateComponents

ios nsdate

Converting a date by string format to nsdate result one day before string date

ios nsdate

How to countdown from a NSDate and display it in hours and minutes

objective-c ios nsdate nstimer

How to get current date in swift 3? [duplicate]

How to check if a particular date exists?

cocoa nsdate nscalendar

iphone NSDate Conversion problem

iOS one month from current Date.

Getting date from string in objective C

How to override NSDate description? ..Method Swizzling?

How can I convert the 24 hour time format to 12 hour time format?

ios swift nsdate

How to get current time in Swift?

swift date nsdate

Sort NSArray by NSDate, today