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New posts in nsdata

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Convert NSData into Hex NSString

Different between NSData and NSMutableData in iPhone

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Extract and convert NSData value from Bluetooth reading in Swift

NSJSONSerialization returning nil

Swift get NSData of a video from photos library

Storing a struct in an NSArray

Turning NSData back to plain text NSString

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NSData type for Java?

How to Load NSData into an AVPlayerItem?

Objective-C Convert NSData to NSString

Send and receive NSData via GameKit

How do I convert HTML NSData to an NSString?

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Checksum and XOR in Swift

How to share NSData or phasset video using Facebook iOS SDK 4.0 FBSDKShareDialog

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How to compress data in swift 3?

fails, but no error object is returned. Why?

ios - How to calculate CRC-8-Dallas/Maxim of NSData?

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Cast NSData as! CFDataRef in swift 2.0

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Camera image orientation

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