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Nx workspace CLI does not allow to create pure typescript library since version 8

NX workspace, how to change an Angular app name with the the cli?

How to import a component from a library (in nrwl/nx with Angular)

VS Code + Chrome debug + nrwl architecture

Is it possible to rename libs to packages in nx?

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Difference between `nx affected:lint --fix` and `nx format:write`

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Serving an NX monorepo of angular apps in Docker-compose

Since Jest 25, coverage reports are having a different source path

Angular 12 template linting not working after switchting from tslint to eslint

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Jest "Cannot find module" with typescript paths in CI

Add Angular Material to Nx Workspace

Nrwl Nx build for production missing node modules bundle

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Use .feature files in cypress with nrwl nx

Nrwl nx command to generate lib for nest module

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TypeORM OneToMany causes "ReferenceError: Cannot access '<Entity>' before initialization"