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Get name of current test in setup using nose

Python + nose: make assertions about logged text?

python testing logging nose

Running unit tests with Nose inside a Python environment such as Autodesk Maya?

Using gaetestbed within virtualenv

Error With South When Running Unit Tests Using Nose

Faking a time stamp from time.time() in Nose

python - Running tox + nosetests on a Python 3.2 testenv

Python patch decorator spilling into other methods

Numpy Install Mac Osx Python

Integrationtest of scrapy pipeline returning deferred

python-2.7 scrapy twisted nose

Capturing output of subprocess.Popen() with nose

python nose nosetests

Is there a way to make freshen tests fail on undefined tests?

python django bdd nose nosetests

Unit testing a Flask application class

python unit-testing flask nose

Is there a downside for using __init__(self) instead of setup(self) for a nose test class?

python nose

python doctest default namespace

python nose doctest

How to achieve TestNG like feature in Python Selenium or add multiple unit test in one test suite?

How do I disable django migration debug logging?

Nose: How to skip tests by default?

python nose nosetests

Using nosetests in PyCharm having python 2 and 3 installed side by side