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Using gaetestbed within virtualenv

I'd like to give GAE Testbed a try, but am running into the following error after completing the instructions on its homepage.

$ nosetests --with-gae
ImportError: No module named dev_appserver

I've confirmed that this happens in both a virtualenv and outside of one.

like image 299
Matt Norris Avatar asked Jul 06 '10 00:07

Matt Norris

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tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool you can use for: checking that your package installs correctly with different Python versions and interpreters. running your tests in each of the environments, configuring your test tool of choice.

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If you build with virtualenv --system-site-packages ENV, your virtual environment will inherit packages from /usr/lib/python2. 7/site-packages (or wherever your global site-packages directory is). This can be used if you have control over the global site-packages directory, and you want to depend on the packages there.

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To use the virtual environment you created to run Python scripts, simply invoke Python from the command line in the context where you activated it. For instance, to run a script, just run python myscript.py .

1 Answers

Use the --gae-lib-root option as in

$ nosetests --with-gae --gae-lib-root=/opt/my/google_appengine
like image 110
Greg Bacon Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10

Greg Bacon