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New posts in nodatime

When time zone of China it goes, work as good Java will not?

How do I configure Ninject to inject the NodaTime IClock

c# ninject nodatime

Convert DateTime from specific time zone to UTC using Nodatime?

c# datetime nodatime

Using NodaTime, how to convert an Instant to the corresponding system's ZonedDateTime?

c# .net nodatime

Is noda-time applicable in this case?

How to pass a Noda Time (or any third-party type) object as a parameter in WCF?

c# wcf date service nodatime

How to tell entity framework how to save instances of a custom type (that can be stored as a scalar)

entity-framework nodatime

Deserializing LocalTime from JSON using JSON.NET and NodaTime results in NodaTime.Text.UnparsableValueException

How can I customize the serialization/deserialization of a complex type in ServiceStack.OrmLite

LocalDate from Week and WeekYear

c# nodatime

NodaTime Invalid DateTime.Kind for Instant.FromDateTimeUtc

c# datetime nodatime

How to handle when timezone goes backwards in the future

Deserialize a date query parameter of the form yyyy-MM-dd into a noda time LocalDate object using ASP.NET Web API

c# asp.net-web-api nodatime

Retrieve list of possible DateTime formats from string value

c# datetime nodatime

noda time iana mapping of Etc/UTC to Windows timezone

c# nodatime

What is the System.TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime equivalent in NodaTime?

datetime timezone dst nodatime

Nodatime create a ZonedDateTime given a time and timezone

c# timezone nodatime

With Noda Time, how to create a LocalDateTime using a LocalDate and LocalTime

c# .net datetime nodatime

How to parse multiple formats with Noda Time?


What is the neatest way to find the last possible instant of a LocalDate, in a particular time-zone?

c# nodatime