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New posts in servicestack-text

What is the ServiceStack.Text-equivalent of Json.NET Converters, for example when applied to NodaTime types?

ServiceStack JSON serializing to lower case on dotnet core?

Problems de-serializing System.Security.Claims.Claim

How to use F# Union types with Servicestack JSON serialization?

How can I customize the serialization/deserialization of a complex type in ServiceStack.OrmLite

Where is JsonDateHandler enum gone in ServiceStack version (current Nuget Version)?

WeakReference returns wrong object

c# .net servicestack-text

Change CSV delimiter in ServiceStack.Text.CsvSerializer

Why does ServiceStack emit local time even if date was UTC in JSON?

Using ServiceStack.Text to deserialize a json string to object

Is F# aware of its discriminated unions' compiled forms?

ServiceStack - Is there a way to force all serialized Dates to use a specific DateTimeKind?