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New posts in nodatime

Proper serialization of LocalTime through WebAPI

How to convert the standard Noda Timezone Id's from English to Localized Language?

c# nodatime

With NodaTime, how do I format a ZonedDateTime in current culture

c# datetime nodatime

Rounding Time with NodaTime

c# time rounding nodatime

Long form name of timezone in NodaTime

c# datetime nodatime

Output an ISO 8601 string

c# .net nodatime

DateTime to LocalDate (NodaTime)

c# datetime localtime nodatime

Serialize NodaTime JSON

c# datetime nodatime

Best way to convert between noda time LocalDate and Datetime?

NSwag: How do you Use Custom Value Object Types in C# -> Swagger -> C# client?

Where is the BCL DateTimeZoneProvider in the .NET Core implementation of NodaTime?

How to parse date string to a NodaTime object?

c# date datetime nodatime

use NodaTime to calculate an inclusive days period

c# datetime nodatime

Is it safe to store time zone ids in a database or can they change?

timezone nodatime

DateTimeZone to/from database

c# nodatime

Using NodaTime to convert invalid (skipped) datetime values to UTC

Get country code by latitude and longitude using NodaTime

c# nodatime

NodaTime Interval JSON Serialization

json iso8601 nodatime

Parsing ambiguous datetime with Noda Time

c# .net nodatime