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New posts in nine-patch

9patch image and Android Studio build failing

Changing AppWidget's background dynamically with a 9 patch drawable

When I create a 9 patch image for splash screens, it comes out way too small for larger devices

How to put several text views over and image view in android?

How to use Nine-patch images correctly

android nine-patch

Google Now dropshadow on view

Why are the 9 patch not working at all in my app?

Currently available cross-browser nine-patch solution for border-radius

Android Studio and 9-patch error

How do I go about including the Tortuga 22 NinePatch library to my XCode project?

Best Practice for Rounded Rectangles in OpenGL ES

TransitionDrawable with nine patches - margin is wrong

9patch AAPT: error: file failed to compile

android nine-patch

Android What is wrong with this 9 patch?

android nine-patch

my 9 Patch Image stopped working

android adt nine-patch

9 patch image is scaled at the wrong positions

Broken default backgrounds, like for EditText or pressed state in TabLayout and Toolbar

android nine-patch

Loading nine-patch image as a Libgdx Scene2d Button background looks awful

java libgdx nine-patch