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New posts in nine-patch

Android: compiling 9-patch files to be used outside of the drawable folder?

How to programmatically re-apply a 9-patch image to an ImageView?

Could anyone help me with creating 9 patch image from a png image?

android nine-patch

How to use 9 patch images in android for different-2 densities(like mdpi,ldpi,hdpi).?

android image nine-patch

Is there a tool to allow the use of Android's 9-patches in Javascript?

Button with transparent background darkens in Lollipop Android

How can I style Android tabs to get 3d look?

9 patch converted to gradient

Android Override 9-patch padding in XML of one side

android padding nine-patch

How to cover a 9-PATCH-PNG entirely?

How to remove paddings in a 9-patch background for textview

9-patch - 1px border is blurred

android nine-patch

Utility of android nine patch

Android 9-Patch Background Image Initial PNG Size?

Gradle (Android Studio) won't compile 9patches

Android Nine-patch equivalent for other platforms

android nine-patch

ImageView 9 patch drawable with padding lines not respected

Android nine-patch not being recognized on device

Android Studio, 9 Patch and the "Show Bad Patches" Button. How do it know?