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Am I right in saying initWithNibName:bundle is used to manually load nib files and that initWithCoder would be used as an alternative?

How does loadNibNamed?

iphone objective-c nib

What problems may cause setting nib file's owner to nil?

NSWindowController in Swift. Subclassing and initializing with Nib

iphone app with multiple views/subviews: memory is not being deallocated

10.11 NSCollectionView: "could not load the nibName: NSCollectionViewItem in bundle NSBundle"

Is it possible to hide the dock icon programmatically

cocoa macos user-agent nib

App update still points to old deleted nibs. How to resolve this without app re-install?

Xamarin Studio. Monotouch. Could not load NIB in bundle ... with name

Cocoa Interface Builder object initialization

objective-c cocoa nib nscoding

View outlet was not set? (Xcode)

How to compile a .nib file

Cocoa - Display xib on another xib

objective-c macos cocoa xib nib

Nib files loading extremly slow

ios nib

Adding constraint to a UITableVIew headerview

What is the need of File's owner in xcode xib files? Can i do the same things without file's owner?

objective-c xcode xib nib

NIB files and Version Control: Using branches

objective-c cocoa xib nib

Check box on NSToolBar won't update?

svn conflict xcode project file while working in team

Loaded nib but the view outlet was not set - Swift edition

ios objective-c swift xib nib