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New posts in new-operator

'new' keyword in getter > performance hit?

operator new(n) versus new unsigned char[n] for placement new

C++ Is constructing object twice using placement new undefined behaviour?

Is "x = new(Foo)" the same as "x = new Foo" for an arbitrary Foo?

c++ syntax new-operator

Scala: companion objects and "new" keyword

scala new-operator apply

Convention in java - "new" outside of constructor / method?

java new-operator

Confusion about virtual/new/override

How do I create an instance of a trait in a generic method in scala?

Why would a C++ compiler not eliminate null check of pointer returned by new?

What does the C++ new operator do other than allocation and a ctor call?

c++ new-operator

How much memory should you be able to allocate?

What effect does the "new" keyword have in C# and why is it only a warning when not employed?

Can I detect whether I've been given a new object as a parameter?

VIM: set filetype=txt for every new file [No Name]

What are "::operator new" and "::operator delete"?

memory allocation in C++

c++ memory new-operator

Valgrind reporting Mismatched free() / delete / delete []

Have different new operators in one C++ program: How to? Bad idea? [duplicate]

c++ memory cuda new-operator

using class specific set_new_handler

size_t parameter new operator