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New posts in network-protocols

BitTorrent protocol with Java - Bitfield after successful handshake

Java: How to use byte literals greater than 0x7F

Simulate Multiple Virtual Timers with one Physical Timer

What is PDO mapping?

Why would you ever use TCP instead of UDP if you implement your own error checking?

How do TCP and UDP detect transmission errors?


Car OBDII WLAN protocol

Find a TCP network debugger like fiddler but with other ports beside 80 [closed]

tcp network-protocols

OS-independent Inter-program communication between Python and C

Is there a ready-made HTTP server for debugging purposes?

What is the most lightweight way to transmit data over the internet using Python?

python network-protocols

Why HTTP_REFERER is single r, not HTTP_REFERRER?

TCP Window and Buffer - check my understanding?

Flow based routing and openflow

Read from socket: Is it guaranteed to at least get x bytes?

Why does sending an email need multiple mail server hops?

Is there an algorithm for fingerprinting the TCP congestion control algorithm used in a captured session?

possible web protocols in javascript

Issuing multiple requests using HTTP/1.1 Pipelining

Bluetooth send/receive text without pairing using C# on 2 Windows 7 Computers