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New posts in namespaces

How does one use namespaces in iOS objective-c code?

ios objective-c namespaces

Rails: form_for namespaced resource

SimpleXMLElement cannot be found when working with namespaces

Is there a "concise" way to do namespacing in JavaScript?

javascript namespaces

Visual studio cannot find my referenced DLL's namespace

c# dll namespaces

Which namespace does operator<< (stream) go to?

Why is it forbidden to open multiple namespaces at a stretch?

Ruby nested modules as namespaces

ruby oop module namespaces

May I declare "using namespace" inside a C++ class?

c++ namespaces

Does namespace pollution in Java or C# exist (like in C++)?

java c# c++ namespaces

How to eliminate xmlns="" entries produced by XSLT transform of one XML doc to another XML doc

Trying to define namespace member via using-declaration

static class data vs. anonymous namespaces in C++

How do I resolve namespace conflicts in my Python packages with standard library package names?

python package namespaces

error: no viable overloading with clang, compiles with gcc

packaging common python namespaces

When to use "::" for global scope in C++?

c++ namespaces scope

putting function definitions in header files

PHP, new variable class in namespace

php oop namespaces

Whats the consensus on Spring p namespace for Beans?