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New posts in namedtuple

Weird MRO result when inheriting directly from typing.NamedTuple

searching a namedtuple like a dictionary

python search namedtuple

Can the name and the reference of a named tuple be different?

python tuples namedtuple

How can I apply a namedtuple onto a function?

Python: Copying named tuples with same attributes / fields

python namedtuple

Custom sorting on a namedtuple class

What is a nicer alternative to a namedtuples _replace?

python namedtuple

How to apply a special methods 'Mixin' to a typing.NamedTuple

nesting with namedtuple

python namedtuple

namedTuples definition across multiple chained functions

What is the advantage in using `exec` over `type()` when creating classes at runtime?

Pythonic alternative to (nested) dictionaries with the same keys?

Why is a NamedTuple containing mutable objects hashable, when a Tuple containing mutable objects is not?

python namedtuple

Equivalent of named tuple in NumPy?

Should namedtuples follow constant name conventions in python?

python pylint pep8 namedtuple

Unwrap F# single-case discriminated union tuple type

extend Python namedtuple with many @properties?

Equality overloading for namedtuple

python namedtuple

Why can't I pickle a typing.NamedTuple while I can pickle a collections.namedtuple?

What is the simple way to merge named tuples in Python?

python namedtuple