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In MVVM, play media file from Model or ViewModel?

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MVVM Light Call async method on property changed?

How to bind my UIButton title to my ViewModel

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MVVM - Controls versus Views

ViewModel tree vs. frequently updating Model tree

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Using a ListBox (or other ItemsControl) to host Caliburn presenters

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Why isn't this Silverlight attached property working?

Does this MSDN article violate MVVM?

Focus-dependent text change for TextBoxes in WPF

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Can't find System.ComponentModel.Composition with .NET Framework 4 installed

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Change VisualState based on property value

MVVM Unique Benefits

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Knockout JS - Multidimensional observableArrays and displaying sub-array data

Why is my WPF Command not firing?

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Steps to add a xaml file and its associated xaml.cs into a VS2010 project

Button Visibility Binding doesn't update

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Kendo UI - Property Changed MVVM

Is it wrong to put the ViewModel in codebehind?

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C#: WPF MVVM Command Binding vs. Event Callback

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Weird race condition by using ViewModel-first (binding) approach