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Creating add-ons for WPF applications

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WPF, MVVM and PRISM - No Parameterless Constructor defined for this object

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Android ViewModel inside RecyclerView Adapter for lazy database downloads

UWP NavigationView navigation via MVVM

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WPF - Hide items in ItemControl -> UniformGrid from taking up UI space based on databinding

When does it make sense to abandon MVVM?

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How to modules in Prism (CAL) communicate with each other?

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If we can't bind a MouseBinding's Command, what are we supposed to do?

Resources for implementing MVVM (ViewModel) pattern in Flex?

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ASP.net MVC: Creating SelectList in the view or action?

MVVM Access Model from View

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prism/mvvm: binding Columns to DataGrid

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Should ViewModels ever be reused by different Views? If so, when?

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building an app to cater for WP7,Iphone & Android

MVVMLight - how to get a reference to the ViewModel in the View?

Programatically bringing a Datagrid row into view in WPF, MVVM

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Bind multiple views to multiple viewmodels

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How to implement notifyicon in MVVM project

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Java MVVM and WPF alternative

How can I validate a PasswordBox using IDataErrorInfo without an AttachedProperty or DependencyProperty?

wpf xaml c#-4.0 mvvm