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New posts in mutation-observers

Confused About MutationObserver

Watch element size in Chrome

Why doesn't MutationObserver code run on Chrome 30?

MutationObserver fails to observe textarea

MutationObserver and current/computed CSS styles

Mutation Observer is undefined

Having a reference to an element, how to detect when it is appended to the document?

Should MutationObservers be removed/disconnected when the attached DOM node is removed like removeEventListener for events?

How do you get a mutation observer to detect a value change of a textarea?

How can I use MutationObserver on multiple nodes?

Disconnect Mutation Observer from Callback Function

Detect when a node is deleted (or removed from the DOM because a parent was)

How to change the HTML content as it's loading on the page

Watch for element creation in greasemonkey script?

Is MutationRecord.oldValue something I should be using?

Text wrapping element with binding in Polymer 1.0

MutationObserver for class (not for id)

Reconnect and disconnect a MutationObserver

What's the state of cross-browser support for DOM Mutation Observers?