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New posts in mutation-events

Does Disqus have public events to attach to?

Why doesn't MutationObserver code run on Chrome 30?

Feature-detect: mutation-event availability in JavaScript?

Having a reference to an element, how to detect when it is appended to the document?

How to change the HTML content as it's loading on the page

Are DOM Mutation Observers slower than DOM Mutation Events?

How do I play a sound when an element changes, like SO Chat does?

Using DOMSubtreeModified mutation event. in jQuery

Detect added element to DOM with Mutation Observer

Mutation Observer fails to detect element's dom removal

Listening to events of a contenteditable HTML element

DOMNodeInserted equivalent in IE?

Alternative to DOMNodeInserted

Preferred way of modifying elements that have yet to be created (besides events)

Most efficient method of detecting/monitoring DOM changes?

Detect changes in the DOM