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New posts in multiple-monitors

A reliable way to identify display devices?

Xorg increase virtual screen size past 8192 x 8192

How to figure out on which screen a JDialog is shown

Android dual screen display

android multiple-monitors

tkinter winfo_screenwidth() when used with dual monitors

How does Qt enumerate screens?

Wrong coordinates on multiple monitors

wpf multiple-monitors

How can I select the monitor where I want to open my application? [duplicate]

delphi multiple-monitors

Open programs to active/selected screen in Awesome WM

Positioning a window with AppleScript using dual monitors

Delphi 2010 forms shows on "wrong" monitor

Programmatically changing the "presentation display mode"

c# winapi multiple-monitors

SDL fake fullscreen mode on dual monitor setup under linux

tkinter - screen width and height of secondary display?

window.open on second monitor

Is there a way to control browser size and position across multiple displays / monitors?

Toggle between "Extend these displays" and "Show desktop only on 1"