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New posts in multiple-inheritance

Is using implicit conversion for an upcast instead of QueryInterface() legal with multiple inheritance?

How to deal with CS1721 when I really need to inherit from two classes?

Multiple Inheritance calling order

Is it a good convention to virtually inherit from pure virtual (interface) classes?

Python: Figure out "Spouse" class?

Error "recursive on all control paths" when copy constructor is used and virtual function present

Allow other base class to implement a virtual function

Is there a simple way to print a class' hierarchy in tree form?

django: same template tag but in multiple inherited html templates

Does this work? C++ multiple inheritance and constructor chaining

How to override base classes' virtual functions that have identical names in multiple inheritance?

c++ multiple-inheritance

Confused on C++ multiple inheritance

Why is it possible to instantiate multiple traits in Scala, but not a single one?

Which is the best way of multiple inheritance in php?

Can't cast a class with multiple inheritance

C++ and structs (with multiple inheritance)

Ambiguous workaround for multiinheritance?

c++ multiple-inheritance

Java implementing two interfaces and resolving default method conflicts: why using super keyword?

Why the this-pointer address is something else than expected in the destructor (c++)

Mongoid store_in produces random results