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New posts in multiple-dispatch

Efficient way to implement multiple dispatch for many similar functions

julia multiple-dispatch

Is there a difference between fun(n::Integer) and fun(n::T) where T<:Integer in performance/code generation?

Julia: Efficiency of Multiple Parameters

Is there any difference between multimethod and multipledispatch?

How to do multiple dispatch on interface in C#?

(Nested?) Multiple Dispatch [Visitor Pattern]

How can I specify a type for a function argument without restricting its dimensions?

Multiple dispatch for methods of a class in Julia

Apples, oranges, and pointers to the most derived c++ class

Why doesn't C++ allow you to request a pointer to the most derived class?

Weird "Can't use unknown trait" when nextsame or callsame are used

raku multiple-dispatch

c# multiple dispatch options?

Dispatching on arguments after the slurping operator (args...) in julia

Did the Loki multimethods make it into C++11?

Generic dispatch with Symbols

julia multiple-dispatch

Does new 'dynamic' variable type in .NET 4.0 solve the single/multiple method dispatch issue in CLR?

Can I choose between Perl 6 multis that have no parameters?

raku multiple-dispatch

What is - Single and Multiple Dispatch (in relation to .NET)?

Does Java support dispatching to specific implementations based on types of multiple objects like Lisp does?