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New posts in multidimensional-array

creating dynamically multidimensional object / array

Finding the amount of rows and columns for a 2-D array in C++

How can I slice a shaped array in Perl 6?

PHP find the array index key of multi dimensional array to update array

Go lang slice columns from 2d array?

Iterating two arrays, without nditer, in numpy?

The order of axis when printing a NumPy array

Recursivly flatten a multidimensional array

Using ProtoBuf-Net, how to (de)serialize a multi-dimensional array?

Fastest way to fill a matrix with Random bytes

What is the definition of a "true" multidimensional array and what languages support them?

Can numpy.savetxt be used on N-dimensional ndarrays with N>2?

Is accessing the middle of a multidimensional array via a pointer to its first element UB?

linear simulation of multidimensional array

Are there any jquery features to query multi-dimensional arrays in a similar fashion to the DOM?

Creating a 4D view on 2D array to divide it into cells of fixed size

json_encode() on a multidimensional array - with string keys

Vectorizing NumPy covariance for 3D array

Is this a redundant allocation of memory space in a multi dimensional array?

Is there a Julia equivalent to NumPy's ellipsis slicing syntax (...)?