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Using Machine.Fakes and WithSubject<TSubject> how do you tell the framework to use a specific constructor argument value when creating the subject

c# mspec machine.fakes

MSpec, what should I put in my [Subject()] attributes?

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Why is MSpec's ShouldBeOfType<T> assertion extension method missing?


What BDD frameworks are popular in .net?

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How do I write generic tests for all implementations of an interface with MSpec?

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MSpec on Appharbor

How to output a message with an It assertion in MSpec

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How do I run setup and teardown code with each test in MSpec?

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Is it possible to create data driven tests with MSpec?

tdd mspec

How to integrate MSpec with MS Build?

Is there a way to share assertions among test classes without inheritance in NUnit?

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How do I do unit & integration testing in a BDD style in ASP.NET MVC?

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Should I use specflow at unit test level? [duplicate]

tdd bdd specflow mspec

Where can I find MSpec documentation?

unit-testing mspec

MSpec and SpecFlow when to use which? What are the advantages/disadvantages of either?

bdd specflow mspec

Am I writing my first MSpec specifications correctly?

c# bdd mspec