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New posts in move-constructor

C++ Auto Generates Move Constructor With User Declared Destructor?

C++11 move constructor with side effects

How to ensure the move constructor is used

MSVC requiring an explicit defaulted move constructor with vector and map [duplicate]

Move constructor behaviour

c++ move-constructor

understanding c++ move_constructible concept implementation

C++11 move constructor for union-like class

Does a constexpr move constructor ever make sense?

This move constructor of Microsoft example appears to have redundant code

c++ c++11 move-constructor

Move constructor signature

c++ c++11 move-constructor

Implementing a move constructor of a tagged union

Is it bad form to provide only a move constructor?

How to detect whether a class has a move constructor?

c++ c++11 move-constructor

Move constructor involving const unique_ptr

Move Semantics for std::vector member

c++ copy constructor vs move constructor for std::vector

Why is this copy constructor called rather than the move constructor?

msvc /permissive- std::string overloaded operator '=' is ambiguous

Rvalue references without std::move [duplicate]

Is it possible to choose between constructors in main without writing a copy-constructor?