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New posts in monotouch.dialog

"Failed to create target binding for to" in MvvmCross .dialog

How can I pass data into MonoTouch.Dialog's delegates?

MonoTouch.Dialog: How to set limit of number of characters for EntryElement

Have a dedicated UIViewController for each RootElement in MonoTouch.Dialog?

Setting MonoTouch.Dialog UITableView position?

Dismissing popup when RadioGroup Item Selected


Is Monotouch.Dialog a suitable replacement for all UITableviews?

MonoTouch.Dialog UITableView without margins

MonoTouch Dialog StringElements Variable Cell Height

Can EntryElement be multiline on MonoTouch.Dialog?

MonoTouch.Dialog: Back item in NavigationBar

monotouch.dialog styledstringelement adjust cell width

How do you encapsulate a MonoTouch.Dialog view into a view controller?

Monotouch.Dialog - Which Element was Tapped

C# Xamarin/Monotouch.Dialog - EntryElement Not Displaying Entered Characters

Can I dismiss the iPhone keyboard by touching the background of DialogViewController (MonoTouch.Dialog)? [duplicate]

DialogViewController breaks UINavigationController path

MonoTouch.Dialog: Responding to a RadioGroup Choice

Structuring a MonoTouch.Dialog application

How to make table cells and separator full width in iOS 8 with Xamarin?