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New posts in monospace

I don't want spaces after commas to be fixed width - best practise?

How do I fix monospace spaces not being correct width in Android Chrome/Firefox?

Strange behaviour with monospaced font in UILabel when changing text

Make monospaced text as big as possible without causing overflow or wrapping

How can I line up English and Chinese characters of a monospace font for CSS?

how does a font tell the OS that "I AM a MONSPACED / FIXED-WIDTH FONT"?

In CSS: how to specify the font you want as being BOTH monospace and sans-serif?

css fonts monospace

Monospaced Font w/out Syntax Highlighting in Github Flavored Markdown

How to set a Tkinter widget to a monospaced, platform independent font?

Vertically align html-entity characters in monospace font?

Ace editor monospace fonts issues with cursor spacing

What is "monospace" in Chrome?

Android monospace space ( ) width is different than character width

android html css fonts monospace

How do I get GNU Unifont or Free Mono working on gvim windows?

windows vim fonts monospace

How to get Visual Studio 2012 to render monospaced fonts correctly?

How to display special unicode characters using monospace font in HTML with preserved character width

html css fonts pre monospace

What's happened to Monospace in Android Lollipop?

Monospaced font/symbols for JTextPane

UIFont.monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize() not really monospaced?

ios swift fonts monospace