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Monospaced Font w/out Syntax Highlighting in Github Flavored Markdown

The title pretty much says it all: I'd like to write a paragraph in monospaced font using GFM, but without any programming language's syntax highlighting. I'd think it would be




or maybe nothing:


But no luck. Is this even possible with GFM?

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Caleb P Avatar asked Oct 22 '13 12:10

Caleb P

People also ask

How do you write monospace in Markdown?

Markdown allows monospaced text within bold or italic sections, but not vice versa - reStructuredText allows neither. In summary, the common inline markup is the following: Mark *italic text* with one asterisk, **bold text** with two. For ``monospaced text``, use two "backquotes" instead.

What is monospace in Markdown?

Monospaced text is marked with two backquotes "``" instead of asterisks; no bold or italic is possible within it (asterisks just represent themselves), although in some contexts, code syntax highlighting may be applied.

How do I highlight a Markdown in github?

You can also create a Markdown hyperlink by highlighting the text and using the keyboard shortcut Command + V .

What is an example of a monospaced font?

Examples of monospaced typefaces include Courier, Roboto Mono, Inconsolata, Source Code Pro, and IBM Plex Mono.

1 Answers

Try indenting with four spaces (i.e. a normal markdown code block) rather than using a fenced code block. This worked for me in GitLab. In GitHub just ``` worked.

like image 101
Phil Holden Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Phil Holden