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How to create a Git Pull Request in GitPython

I am trying to use python for my jenkins job, this job downloads and refreshes a line in the project then commits and creates a pull request, I am trying read the documentation for GitPython as hard as I can but my inferior brain is not able to make any sense out of it.

import git
import os
import os.path as osp

path = "banana-post/infrastructure/"
repo = git.Repo.clone_from('https://github.myproject.git',
                           osp.join('/Users/monkeyman/PycharmProjects/projectfolder/', 'monkey-post'), branch='banana-refresh')

latest_banana = '123456'
input_file_name = "banana.yml"
output_file_name = "banana.yml"
with open(input_file_name, 'r') as f_in, open(output_file_name, 'w') as f_out:
    for line in f_in:
        if line.startswith("banana_version:"):
            f_out.write("banana_version: {}".format(latest_banana))
os.rename("deploy1.yml", "banana.yml")
files = repo.git.diff(None, name_only=True)
for f in files.split('\n'):
repo.git.commit('-m', 'This an Auto banana Refresh, contact [email protected]',
                author='[email protected]')

After committing this change I am trying to push this change and create a pull request from branch='banana-refresh' to branch='banana-integration'.

like image 242
Shek Avatar asked Aug 01 '17 00:08


3 Answers

GitPython is only a wrapper around Git. I assume you are wanting to create a pull request in a Git hosting service (Github/Gitlab/etc.).

You can't create a pull request using the standard git command line. git request-pull, for example, only Generates a summary of pending changes. It doesn't create a pull request in GitHub.

If you want to create a pull request in GitHub, you can use the PyGithub library.

Or make a simple HTTP request to the Github API with the requests library:

import json
import requests

def create_pull_request(project_name, repo_name, title, description, head_branch, base_branch, git_token):
    """Creates the pull request for the head_branch against the base_branch"""
    git_pulls_api = "https://github.com/api/v3/repos/{0}/{1}/pulls".format(
    headers = {
        "Authorization": "token {0}".format(git_token),
        "Content-Type": "application/json"}

    payload = {
        "title": title,
        "body": description,
        "head": head_branch,
        "base": base_branch,

    r = requests.post(

    if not r.ok:
        print("Request Failed: {0}".format(r.text))

    "<your_project>", # project_name
    "<your_repo>", # repo_name
    "My pull request title", # title
    "My pull request description", # description
    "banana-refresh", # head_branch
    "banana-integration", # base_branch
    "<your_git_token>", # git_token

This uses the GitHub OAuth2 Token Auth and the GitHub pull request API endpoint to make a pull request of the branch banana-refresh against banana-integration.

like image 126
frederix Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09


It appears as though pull requests have not been wrapped by this library.

You can call the git command line directly as per the documentation.


like image 42
Milk Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09


I have followed frederix's answer also used https://api.github.com/repos/ instead of https://github.com/api/v3/repos/

Also use owner_name instead of project_name

like image 34
Rajneesh071 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
