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GitHub "Your Contributions" and private repositories [closed]



I'm working in a command which uses a private repository at GitHub. This is a contract work and once it's finished, I won't have access to this repository anymore.

I commit there quite often and, therefore my "Your Contributions" (GitHub's "timeline" or " Summary of Pull Requests, issues opened and commits") looks pretty good. I want it to remain look the same.

But nonetheless, when the job finishes and I won't have access to this repository (the admin restrict access for me to this repository), I'm almost sure my "timeline" will become more gray immediately, since this repository is deleted from the list of the repositories I can contribute to.

Isn't that so and how do I avoid this?

UPDATE: The reason I want to avoid it is that I want the potential employees to be able to see how I work by looking at my timeline.

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Alan Coromano Avatar asked Jun 16 '13 01:06

Alan Coromano

People also ask

Why are my contributions not showing up on GitHub?

Your local Git commit email isn't connected to your account Commits must be made with an email address that is connected to your account on GitHub.com, or the GitHub-provided noreply email address provided to you in your email settings, in order to appear on your contributions graph.

Does GitHub count contributions to private repos?

We think including your work in private repositories is a more accurate representation of your contributions, but your privacy is important too. Private contributions are not shown by default and, when enabled, are completely anonymized to the general public.

How do I enable private contributions on GitHub?

In the top right corner of GitHub.com, click your profile photo, then click Your profile. Publicize or hide your private contributions on your profile: To publicize your private contributions, above your contributions graph, use the Contribution settings drop-down menu, and select Private contributions.

What counts as a GitHub contribution?

On your profile page, certain actions count as contributions: Committing to a repository's default branch or gh-pages branch. Opening an issue. Opening a discussion.

1 Answers

Re-stating the problem briefly, once your account is removed as a contributor, your contributions don't show up in the same way they currently do. You want people staying on the project to still see your contributions as a model of how they should be committing.

Once you are finished, get them to create a dummy GitHub account for you. This account will remain a collaborator, but you won't be able to access it. You can then re-write the commit history to make it seem like the dummy account made all of your commits. The history will look the same, but you won't have access to the dummy account - or their repo.

There is plenty of good information on how to do this: see e.g. Git, rewrite previous commit usernames and emails or you could try https://github.com/davidfokkema/git-rewrite-author

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Rophuine Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09
