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New posts in monads

Using different monads in for-comprehension

scala monads

Creating monads analoguous to the IO Monad with chained state

haskell monads state-monad

Heritage of the names of the monad operators

haskell monads

Refactoring a Haskell function that uses the Reader monad

Scala's monadic chaining of Try

Why can I use `>>=` without an explicit or implicit definition?

How does "return 1" show "1" in GHCi? [duplicate]

Haskell: a return before is cancelled out by a monad after. How?

Why wrapping the Data.Binary.Put monad creates a memory leak? (Part 2)

Definition of the Monad Instance of Data.Stream

haskell monads

Haskell monad: etymology versus meaning? [closed]

haskell terminology monads

Haskell Quine: "ap" Monad

haskell monads quine

Haskell: exception handling in non-IO monads

Monad vs Applicative in the case of Reader resp. ((->) a)

haskell monads

Free monad and the free operation

Haskell ReaderT Env IO boilerplate

Different, interacting levels of state in haskell

Changing the written data in a Writer monad

haskell monads

Maybe monad inside stack of transformers

haskell monads

Generalizing "sequence" for all functors?

haskell monads functor