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New posts in monad-transformers

What is the point of pass and listen in Writer monad? [duplicate]

Stacking Monad Transformers in scala

How can we interact with 2 MonadError constraints having 2 different error types?

Is there a free proxy transformer?

Why is there a MonadMask instance for ExceptT?

What is a clean way to handle one monad calling into another?

Combining State monad with Either-style error propagation

Updating outer monad only in monad transformer

Pattern match against value in monad

Is there a principled way to compose two monad transformers if they are of different type, but their underlying monad is of the same type?

Is the streaming package's Stream data type equivalent to FreeT?

What does it mean to "run" inside a monad?

Why can't ContT be made an instance of MonadError?

Scalaz - combining List and State Monad in for comprehension

How do I add the Reader monad to Scotty's monad?

How to use the free monad with Future[M[_]]

How to define MonadUnliftIO instance for a newtype with a phantom type-variable?

Design of interface abstraction

Perform simple IO in Haskeline, inside InputT monad, without having to resort to unsafePerformIO