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New posts in model-view-controller

Observer pattern for stopwatch

How to mock MVC form POST with Moq

Sharing views between controllers without using the Shared folder

Why is backbone.js returning an empty array when accessing models?

Passing model property expression to view

Designing an MVC repository using ViewModels

Sails.js API documentation

Is there a PHP DocBlock I can use to denote a magic-method property added after instantiation?

Java Swing - How to create the best communication between the model and the view

Why is unit testing harder in MVC than in MVP and MVVM

Spring MVC Domain Object handling Best Practice

Best practice for an application with GUI [closed]

Should view logic go in a UIView or (when applicable) its UIViewController?

Writing dot net desktop application with MVC design pattern

Where can I find a sample PHP MVC application? [closed]

php model-view-controller

MVC: add http header: controller or view?

backbone.js models pointing to same instance of nested model

Why we need Preparable Interface in Struts2?

MVC for Java Desktop App

How disable Backbone.js routing on initial page load