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New posts in model-view-controller

How to disable right click on IFRAME

Yii2 How to call controller action from the view

AngularJS beginner: ng-controller not working

How to handle custom response in Backbone model

Rails No route matches {:controller=>"devise/products"}

Client-side MV* - Should the model have a save method?

HTML Indentation in the mVc World [duplicate]

learning OO with PHP

going to build a php MVC, what naming conventions do i need to be aware of?

php model-view-controller

Is this a good way to match URI to class/method in PHP for MVC

calling a method in model from view

Remove Doctrine life cycle event from within a Symfony2 controller

Website asks for "Authentication Required" on an MVC controller, but not others

Creating a new member programmatically in Umbraco

is there a way to set the HideSurroundingHtml value in ASP.MVC 2

Remove a list of selected items in the QListView

Git workflow for a small team of developers and designers

In an Ext JS 4 MVC app, what should be responsible for loading stores?

Do custom HTML helper classes violate the ASP.NET MVC model?

MVC naming conventions for JSON actions