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New posts in mixins

How to properly override a box-shadow bootstrap mixin?

In Python can one implement mixin behavior without using inheritance?

python ruby inheritance mixins

What is wrong with my box-shadow SASS @Mixin?

sass mixins css

Curious circular inheritance with mix-ins in C++

D CTFE and GPU Code Generation

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Good Practice: How can I ensure a JavaScript constructor has access to mixin functions?

Controller @Mixin just works after recompile of running app

grails groovy mixins

Less CSS, please explain Advanced arguments and the @rest variable to me?

less mixins

How to pass a mixin as a parameter of another mixin in SASS

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Python mixin to extend class property

React.js : reusable components vs mixin's utility functions

How to use SCSS mixins with angular 7

angular css mixins scss-mixins

Creating mixin with Spring AOP Introductions

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C++ Cloneable mixin

c++ clone mixins

Extend a view or use a mixin in Ember.js

object view ember.js mixins

Mixed-in object variables available in mixed-in role declaration

class mixins raku

Problems with Dateish strings

date mixins raku

Using multi-level inheritance instead of ruby mixins

ruby oop inheritance mixins

Is there a way to convert a function variable to a string in D?

function d mixins

Groovy Mixin on Instance (Dynamic Mixin)

dynamic groovy instance mixins