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What is the best way to store multiple data type into database

single level variables in mixed model (lme4) error in R

r mixed

Sorting a mixed list of ints and strings

Is it possible to get the Windows logon name with site running asp.net forms authentication?

lme4 mixed model error

r mixed anova

Free .NET Profiler for .NET 4.0 mixed code

How to do stepwise model with random effect (lme4 + lmerTest?)

r lme4 mixed lmertest

Questions about converting a mixed-encoding file to UTF8 in Perl

perl encoding utf-8 mixed

Final managed exception handler in a mixed native/managed executable?

sqlalchemy how to using AND in OR operation?

no access to a java static method from scala

check if is multibyte string in PHP

php string multibyte mixed

Facebook 'Like' button breaks https/SSL

Java - Mixed ArrayLists?

In scikit learn, how to deal with the data mixed with numerical and nominal value?

Mixed type and mixed array type array Object[] in java not compiling

JAXB XJC compiler disregarding mixed=true on XML Schema documents

xml jaxb xjc mixed

How to use mixed parameter type in my own functions?

How to JsDoc a "mixed" type?

parameters mixed jsdoc