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How should I specify files to read from in my Minitest tests for a Rails app?

ruby-on-rails minitest

undefined method 'document' for nil:NilClass while running Rails-tutorial with rspec

How do test the value of an attribute in a controller instance variable?

How do I simulate a session variable in minitest?

Minitest and setup/teardown hooks

ruby-on-rails ruby minitest

Minitest - test ApplicationController before_action in Rails 4

ruby-on-rails minitest

How to test Apartment, Minitest, Capybara & Selenium

With Minitest+Guard+Spork, all test suites and support files are being reloaded on each run

Possible to "fail fast" when running rake test w/ minitest 5?

ruby-on-rails minitest

How can I test logger-messages with MiniTest?

MiniTest Authentication

Using guard-minitest on a single Ruby file

ruby testing guard minitest

Before/After methods for Ruby Minitest framework

ruby minitest

With Rails using Minitest, how can I set up RuboCop to run automatically each time tests are run with rake?

Rails fixtures and namespace model - ActiveRecord::Fixture::FixtureError

Why is my minitest.rake running twice when I enter rake into terminal?

When testing, do I have to precompile assets every time I adjust Javascript files in Rails 3.2?

Ruby MiniTest UnitTest Stubbing Class method just for one test

ruby unit-testing minitest

What is the capybara equivalent for Minitest's assert_select?

How to Minitest Controller :create action with Paperclip Validators