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New posts in microsoft-metro

XAML Image Quality (interpolation) in a Metro-Style App

Using RichTextBlock in FlipView in Metro Style App

Windows 8 Appx installation timeout during unit test execution

Can a Win8 Metro-JS app take a screenshot of itself?

How to style groups of data as they are loaded incrementally in WinRT?

Python support for Windows 8 [closed]

Desktop application needs focus when user is in metro

Scroll a GridView inside a SemanticZoom to a certain group from outside the SemanticZoom

some exception when access the file in winrt

Triggers aren't supported in Windows 8 XAML?

CollectionViewSource in windows metro app

Can you mix HTML and XAML in a windows 8 Metro App?

html xaml microsoft-metro

How to implement sliding page transition in Metro style app

Binding Image Dynamically in Metro App

c# xaml microsoft-metro