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New posts in microservices

Spring Oauth2 client credentials flow example

Where lookup tables should be placed in a microservices architecture?

How to implement distributed transaction with hystrix fallback based on Spring Cloud architect

Microservices versioning best practices

Microfrontends React/Component based splitting

Only call Lambda function when Aurora transaction commits, but guarantee call (ACID)

Spring Cloud vs WSO2 API manager

docker - Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = 2 desc = name conflicts with an existing object

Java - Kubernetes find services by label

Async communication between spring boot micro services

Java application: Sequence workflow pattern

Dynamic component loading from external content

API Gateway example for node.js

node.js microservices

Is it a good practice to wrap Masstransit for CQRS implementation? [closed]

How do you send data in a Request body using HttpURLConnection?