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New posts in microservices

Microservice based or Monolithic

Microservices - RestTemplate UnknownHostException

Microservices centralized database model

Is it possible to proxy a POJO in microservices application?

Can we use RabbitMQ and Mediatr together using masstransit?

How to create a public key store for microservices?

Communication among microservices: Apache Kafka vs Hazelcast's Topic

Play Microservices - api gateway and service discovery

Working With Eureka Clients Programmatically issue - Completed shut down of DiscoveryClient

What is SOA, Microservices, REST and Web Services "in plain English"?

Spring netflix eureka, zuul vs Spring cloud data flow

Are all the classes containing business logic, domain objects?

Does anyone use websocket instead of gRPC or REST api for intercommunication between microservices?

What is Rust strategy to uncommit and return memory to the operating system?

Event publisher for ASP.NET Web Api

Microservices based architecture and individual cache for each node

Communication between two microservices by Docker hostname

Why do communications between internal services need authorization like oauth if the outside world can't access the apis directly?

Spring Eureka App doesn't show dashboard

Docker-compose make 2 microservices (frontend+backend) communicate to each other with http requests