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New posts in method-chaining

Fluent Interfaces - Ensuring a new instance

Elegant way to deal with null references in chained XElement axis methods

Java constructor chain direction

Ruby Challenge - Method chaining and Lazy Evaluation

Is it allowed to chain invoke method in PHP? [closed]

Method chaining and exceptions in C#

LINQ method chaining and granular error handling

Chain functions in different way

How do chained functions get executed in JQuery?

jquery method-chaining

Type safe method chaining that doesn't allow repeats of operations

scala method-chaining

What would be considered good examples of implementing the builder pattern when used in the development of a GUI?

jQuery chaining faster than separate statements?

Is there anything inherently wrong with long object invocation chains? [closed]

jQuery - Chaining custom functions

Method Chaining: How to use getThis() trick in case of multi level inheritance

How to do Conditional Method chaining in Java 8

Multiple dot operator (c++ class)

c++ method-chaining

How to chain call functions by using a string containing that chain in PHP

php call method-chaining

Calling multiple methods in Java

Chaining Extension methods in C#