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New posts in law-of-demeter

Law of Demeter confusion

c# aggregate law-of-demeter

Should I care that passing in a class representation of an XML settings file violates the law of demeter?

Law of demeter or return the whole vector

c++ oop vector law-of-demeter

Law of Demeter confusion in Java

java law-of-demeter

Does the Law of Demeter only apply to methods?

c# oop law-of-demeter

Law of Demeter and OOP confusion

asp.net oop law-of-demeter

Law of Demeter and return values

Law of Demeter and Class Constructors

oop law-of-demeter

Law of Demeter vs. REST

rest law-of-demeter

How to modify code so that it adheres to the Law of Demeter

c# law-of-demeter

Is there anything inherently wrong with long object invocation chains? [closed]

Wrappers/law of demeter seems to be an anti-pattern

Law of Demeter for Views: create delegates to access attributes on associated objects or not?

Tell, Don't Ask Principle and Password Expiration

Does System.out.println violate the law of demeter?

java law-of-demeter

Optional monad and the Law of Demeter in Java

Is law of demeter aplied to properties too?

Law of Demeter is very confusing because looks like I couldn't ever write methods that return objects

When should I use delegate, and when should I use has_one :through?

Can multiple operations with Streaming break The Law of Demeter?