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New posts in memory-management

Understanding Stack, Heap and Memory Management

Safe to always use [unowned self] for Swift singletons?

How can I shrink the Linux page cache from within kernel space?

How many page tables do Intel x86-64 CPUs access to translate virtual memory?

is it better t use &$ with large strings to save memory?

Increasing sas memory/memsize

docker memory-swap=-1 OOM

In Node.js, does listening to an EventEmitter, create a reference to it?

Memory details of JVM as a process

Memory confusion for strncpy in C

Should I free memory for a short lived program if memory footprint is not an issue? [closed]

Recommended way to make std::unique_ptr of array type without value initialization?

Python memory free

is tcmalloc: large alloc a warning or error in Python

Why must the expanded array be dynamically allocated for this function to work properly C++

Having a little trouble understanding memory allocation in C

Pre-allocation in Julia

memory-management julia

.NET + Copying large amounts of memory tricks

c# .net memory-management

Updating from Java VM 5 to 6 gave a really big increase of memory consumption

Python: Incrementally marshal / pickle an object?