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C# MDI Parent detect when MDI Child is closing?

Calling a Windows Form by its class name

Open Modal window in Center of Parent Form in MDI Application

c# winforms mdi

WPF MDI children

wpf mdi

Linking helpfile to an Delphi XE2 Application - everything works except main form

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MDIParent Tiling children

How to avoid visual artifacts when hosting WPF user controls within a WinForms MDI app?

How do I discover if my delphi application currently has a modal window?

delphi modal-dialog mdi

How to make mdichild load at the center of mdiparent window

c# mdi

Is there still a place for MDI? [closed]

user-interface mdi

MDI model or Dock Windows?

qt qt4 mdi docking

Windows Forms, getting a property from parent form

How can I take eclipse out of MDI mode?

eclipse mdi sdi

TActionMainMenuBar, VCL-Styles and MDI buttons(Minimize, Close etc) not being styled.

Event when all mdi forms are closed

forms delphi events mdi

Delphi, frames vs forms. What for multi-document interface?

delphi mdi frames tframe

C# WinForms: How do you prevent child form from being minimized when parent form is minimized?

c# winforms mdi

C#.NET MDI bugs when programmatically hiding and showing again a maximized child form and when maximized, child form's icon cannot be changed

c# .net mdi

How to remove gray background on MDI parent form?

c# forms mdi mdiparent