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New posts in maven-assembly-plugin

Create a zip with all dependencies with Maven [duplicate]

Maven best practice for generating artifacts for multiple environments [prod, test, dev] with CI/Hudson support?

The maven assembly plugin is not using the finalName for installing with attach=true?

How to set manifest class-path in maven shade plugin?

Maven SNAPSHOT jar file names not consistent using Maven Assembly in MANIFEST file

Maven assembly : add different version of the same artifact

Maven Error assembling WAR: webxml attribute is required when building the SpringMVC project with pure Java Based Configuration and no xml's

Maven can't compile java 1.8

Maven - resource filtering : implications of the @ symbol in resource files

Combining Jar-with-dependencies and a ZIP file using the Maven assembly plugin

Disable the default-jar execution

Use Maven assembly plugin to set Linux file permissions even when run on other platforms?

How to configure maven:assembly root path in the jar

Maven: Include resources into JAR

Maven best practice for generating multiple jars with different/filtered classes?

Creating Two Executable Jars Using maven-assembly-plugin

ERROR OS=Windows and the assembly descriptor contains a *nix-specific root-relative-reference (starting with slash) / [duplicate]

maven assembly include the current project jar in the final zip/tar

Multiple assemblies from one maven project [duplicate]

maven-assembly-plugin: How to use appendAssemblyId