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New posts in maven-assembly-plugin

Log4j2 custom plugins - annotation processing with Maven Assembly Plugin

remove jar created by default in maven

renaming a file while creating zip file through Maven-assembly plugin

Custom maven assembly

Error creating assembly archive bin: You must set at least one file

Debug a maven assembly from within Eclipse

Why Maven assembly works when SBT assembly find conflicts

How to preserve symlinks when unpacking tar using maven assembly plugin

Add classpath to manifest with a custom assembly descriptor

Overwrite resource file with maven assembly plugin

How to assemble multimodule maven project into one WAR?

How do you create a standalone application with dependencies intact using Maven?

maven assembly throwing stackoverflowerror

How can I force maven to package my project against 1.5?

Pack library and all its dependencies to one folder, but other dependencies in separate folder

maven assembly, avoiding full path in zip file?

java maven rebuild dependency

Maven: Distribute source code with with jar-with-dependencies

How to have maven-assembly-plugin respect the exclusions defined in pom.xml?

building a jar and including it in a zip with maven-assembly-plugin