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New posts in maven-3

how does maven handle duplicate plugin declaration

maven maven-3 pom.xml

Centralized local Maven repository for Team

How to disable generation of Test Javadoc report in Maven 3 site plugin?

Doing Releases with Maven/Hudson/Mercurial

Is there an assembly id property in a Maven assembly?

Maven - Filename too Long on Unzip

maven zip maven-3 filenames

Relative directories don't seem to work with filesets in maven assembly descriptors. Any way to do this?

Configuration for JUnit test execution on multiple environments

maven 3: Accessing version of "root" corporate POM

Use Maven Plugin parameter value as default value of another parameter

Missing jar in maven repo

maven maven-3

mvn clean install do not use last .class version

java maven maven-3

How to avoid "Updates were rejected because the remote contains work" during release with maven release-plugin and git?

Set enviromment variable in Maven

How to get parallel execution identifier in Maven test run output

java maven logging maven-3

Execution default-deploy of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin deploy failed. NullPointerException

what is equivalent class for AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests in Spring 4.2.5.relese

Migrating from Maven Ant Task to Maven Artifact Resolver Ant Tasks

Maven enforcer append in children

Maven enforcer plugin missing or invalid rules