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New posts in matrix-multiplication

Why does tf.matmul(a,b, transpose_b=True) work, but not tf.matmul(a, tf.transpose(b))?

Why does the Jama matrix inner dimension agree in the first iteration, but later it does not?

matrix operations with gigantic matrices in python [duplicate]

Why do I have to divide by Z?

Inconsistent vector operations in R?

Python matrix provide with numpy.dot()

How to work with huge matrices in R? [closed]

How to do a matrix calculation to get the cross products of variables

Improving the performance of Matrix Multiplication

Problem with MPI matrix-matrix multiply: Cluster slower than single computer

Numpy matrix multiplication with custom dot product

Matrix multiplication program: Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)

Matrix multiplication with Numpy

Matlab repeated matrix multiplication - loop vs built-in performances

Tensor multiplication in Tensorflow

Optimizing NumPy with Cython

make a matrix 'n' time bigger in matlab

1-element Array to scalar in Julia

Use a dope vector to access arbitrary axial slices of a multidimensional array?

bsxfun-like for matrix product