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PowerShell: Select line preceding a match -- Select-String -Context issue when using input string variable

Matching pandas substring with dict key and replacing with dict value

Searching a Pandas series using a string produces a KeyError

python python-2.7 pandas match

Regex for matching capitals

ruby regex match

Finding elements in a vector that are duplicated or that are not in another vector

r match

Vim syntax region - lookbehind confusion

Matching similar but not exact text strings in Excel VBA projects

string excel vba merge match

How do I make match stop on first occurance?

ruby xml regex match bbcode

R: Extract columns of a dataframe through string matching

r match subset

Match two vectors and replace in string

r replace match

perl6 How to get all lines that are not indented by x-width of spaces?

tabs width match space raku

Partial intersection of elements across vectors in two lists

r list match intersection

Remove part of String following regex match in Java

java regex string match

Excel: Check if Cell value exists in Column, and return a value in the same row but different column

match excel-formula vlookup

JavaScript - Compare two multidimensional arrays

How do I match a single equals sign with regular expressions?

c# regex match

Regexp in gawk matches multiples ways

awk match

Check if value of column A is present in the same row or previous rows of column B

perl regex match closest

regex perl match closest

What would be the JavaScript pattern to match anything except a given string? [duplicate]

javascript regex match