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New posts in marionette

Marionette.js CollectionView, only render specific models

Backbone Marionette templateCache is not used by default?

Creating a layout that accepts a variable number of views (and hence regions)

Backbone.js `model.destroy()` custom transitions?

Detect click on itemview container in Backbone/Marionette

backbone.js marionette

What is a good method for sending a message from a Child view to its parent Collection view in Backbone.js or Marionette.js?

backbone.js marionette

How to handle async code in a backbone marionette initializer

backbone.js marionette

Marionette Layout switching strategy

How do you properly display a Backbone marionette collection view based on a model javascript array property?

backbone.js marionette

swap underscore 1.8.3 for lodash 4.2.1 in backbone marionette 2.4.4

Get last item view from CompositeView in Marionette

backbone.js marionette

UI hash problems with Backbone Marionette Layout

backbone.js marionette

How do I find mysteriously bound Javascript events

Nested layouts in backbone.marionette.js

Marionette.Renderer, Underscore templates and internationalization with i18next

Backbone.Marionette - Accessing variables in the ItemView template or CompositeView template

backbone.js marionette

Is there a Marionette.js Event that fires after all items in a CollectionView are rendered?

javascript marionette

Simply cannot make SignalR (asp.net mvc4) and require.js work together

Focus the first field in modal forms

In a Marionette CollectionView, how can I pass the index of the model (in the collection) to the ItemView?
